21 Days of Meditation for Wealth and WellBeing

In the 21-Day Meditation Experience, Deepak guide you on an online journey to enjoy the life-changing benefits of meditation in an easy and inspiring way. Each 21-Day Meditation Experience focuses on a unique theme, offering deep wisdom, practical tools, and refreshing insights to help you grow and evolve each day.

Inspired by the notion that it takes 21 days to create a habit, each 21-Day Meditation Experience offers:

  • Daily audio meditations

  • Motivational messages

  • Thought-provoking journal questions to anchor the day’s teachings

Each daily audio meditation includes about 10 minutes of guidance by Deepak – in which he share the teaching of the day – followed by 10 minutes of silent meditation with a soothing musical background. Deepak provides a new Sanskrit Mantra each day for you to repeat to yourself during the silent meditation period, which helps calm your mind and deepen your practice.

I used to often do this practice as it helped me to integrate the truly meaning of Abundance, promoting more happiness and joy to my work, relationships and life as a whole.

I hope you can experience some miracles and manifestations throughout the journey !


Day 1: The Reality of Abundance

Click Here to listen Day 1

In this meditation, Deepak Chopra explains the reality of abundance, and how we can begin to open our eyes to the abundance that is already before us.

The centering thought for this meditation is:

Today, I behold all of the abundance that surrounds me.

As you work through the meditation, let go fo your thoughts, and begin to observe the breath, noticing how you become more relaxed with each breath. You can use the mantra to deepen your relaxation and center yourself into a feeling of peace.

When you feel at peace, begin to think through the idea for the day: “Today, I behold all of the abundance that surrounds me.”

Day 2: The Source of All Abundance

Tasks of Day 2:

1. Write down in your notebook all values/things you feel you are missing to live a truly abundant life (examples could be having more skills in a certain field of expertise, having a partner, being more confident, having money to pay off debts, etc.). Try to come up with as many values/things as possible and be as specific as you can (for what goal, in what circumstance, where, etc).

For some, this list will be short, for others extensive. Give yourself time to calmly walk through all areas of your life in which you may need a little extra.

As usual, you have 24 hours for this task, until the end of the day tomorrow.

2. Write down today’s affirmation in your notebook and remember it as often as possible during the day. Affirmation of the day: "I create my personal abundance from an infinite source."

3. Mantra of the day for repetition in meditation: Aham bramasmi

Track with guided meditation is below:

Click Here to listen Day 2

Day 3: Mind, Matter, and Spirit

“Today I focus on what I want to attract into my life.”


Today’s task is a fun creative way to manifest pure abundance.

Get your coloring skills on, it’s time to draw what true abundance looks and feels like to you. Your personal visions sketched out. Channel your inner Michelangelo, use your imagination, your creativity and felt-tip pens, pencils or paints etc. Get playful!

You can draw bills, bitcoins, bags of money - whatever you want! Draw so much as to pay off all the debts and expenses you wrote down yesterday. Make it rain, there are no limitations!!

While you are busy designing and coloring, feel the satisfaction of creating a balance between any debts and expenses and your ability to meet and exceed those obligations - consider what you draw to be real payments.

And no, it does not have to be literal. You can draw abstract visionary art if that’s what you’re feeling.

You have the power and complete freedom within you to create and draw a solution. Use this drawing exercise in order to make it possible to call in the abundance for everything you need in the universe!

What are your dreams? Remember, this is not about a drawing lesson, but about allowing yourself to create your reality and let it manifest into your life. Mostly, have fun with it! Allow your heart to flow.

Track with guided meditation is below:

Click Here to listen Day 3

Day 4: Pure Consciousness

Welcome to day 4.

Tasks for Day 4:

1. Make a list, (this time the quantity is not important) of people whom you consider prosperous in your family or circle. Those whom you personally know, to whom you have access, with whom you really communicate. People who have achieved their goals in life, in whole or in part, and are happy / are perceived by you as happy.

Important! We are not only talking about financial prosperity, the indispensable component is joy / happiness that this person experiences. Doesn’t matter how many you list, even two is enough.

Please remember, the more attention and reflection you give to these simple tasks, the greater the return.

2. Affirmation of the day: “From this moment forward, I invite unlimited abundance into my life.”

3. Mantra of the day: Aham Bramasmi

Track with guided meditation is below:

Click Here to listen Day 4

Day 5: The Field of All Possibilities

Today's task is based on the law of energy exchange.

Everything is made up of energy. A person constantly exchanges energy with other people.

The first principle of this law is that balance must be maintained in everything. If somewhere there is a reduction then somewhere else there is an increase. Energy does not just disappear - that’s basic physics.

Whatever you send into the outside world will return to you eventually. If you want to achieve a balance in everything, learn to give and receive equally.

Today's exercise is entirely devoted to exchange service. And it’s also a turning point in our journey!

This is a good opportunity to involve a friend / partner / group in this marathon, should you wish to do so.

Click Here to listen Day 5

Day 6: The Seeds of Success

Today you write a new contract with abundance.

Below is the recommended text:

"I, (full name) start a new relationship with abundance today. I am part of everything and everything is part of me. My inner feeling of endless abundance emits outer abundance and allows me to attract everything I desire with pure and good intentions, for my and others’ benefit. The success that I abundance brings me, fulfills me and my loved ones with joy. I deserve to flourish just like everyone else does. I thank my ancestors and parents for the lessons they have transmitted from their lives to their future generations and ask them to inspire me for abundance and prosperity. I am blessed with abundance of health, joy, all the means that allow me to live a comfortable life, and people who accept and respect me as I am.”

It is suggested you write it in your notebook. Modify however it feels right for you. Sign and date the contract once you complete it.

Before performing it - sit down comfortably, relax, inhale several times slowly and deeply through the nose and exhale at the same pace through the nose.

Our brain learns through repetition, rehearsal. As such, tune in to connect to what you will write. All of this is done to harmonize your internal relationship with the means that allow you to live a happy life.

Affirmation of the day: “Everything I desire is within me.”

Mantra of the day: Ram .. Ram .. Ram ..

Click Here to listen Day 6

Day 7: The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire

Please see below the tasks for Day 7:

1. Create a list of people (only names) that you feel uncomfortable around. We are talking about the energy of discomfort. It can be your relatives or people who are now far away from you.The test here is to think about a person and get a sensation: "I feel unpleasant."

Even if it is not a constant feeling arising from communicating with this person but something you experience from time to time, it will still apply.

For example, it can be your neighbors, employees, bosses, family members, members of the government. Someone who disagrees with you ... does not accept your behavior ... whatever it might be. Remember that these people, even if you struggle to communicate with them, at the same time, are your teachers through whom you get to learn your lessons, understand new things, and develop valuable skills.

Please make this list in your notebook in a calm and relaxed state. Remember the people who knock you out of your comfort zone or distort your balance.

2. Affirmation of the day: “I use my conscious intention to manifest my dreams.”

3. Mantra of the day: Sat Chit Ananda

Click Here to listen Day 7

Day 8: Abundance and the Law of Pure Potentiality

Task for today:

Find at least 5 recent activities confirming your investment in yourself (for ex a massage, meditation, sports, buying yourself food or something nice; any kind of investment you have done for yourself).

Below each activity you have listed write: “All that is invested in myself will pay for itself seven times over.”

And from now on, keep a list of every self investment that you do until the end of the 21 day challenge and add the same sentence to it. Remember, it’s important not only what you write, but also how you write it. Try to get into the zone - allow yourself to connect with the words and pay attention to how you will feel when you imagine your investment paying back seven times over.

Words have power! Little things are very important. They help our mind to build clues, hold on to the thought, accept it as our own and integrate it into reality.

Affirmation of the day: “Through the law of pure potentiality, I can create anything anytime anywhere.”

Mantra of the day: Om Bhavan Nama

Click Here to listen Day 8

Day 9: Abundance and the Law of Giving

Here are the tasks for today:

1. Write down in your notebook 5 of your shortcomings / flaws which you think limit you. Those qualities which don’t allow you to receive what you want in life. Things that you want to change \ get rid of \ learn to use in a way which will make everything in your life flow easier.

Try to focus and dig deep into your consciousness. Try not to only write with your mind but also feel with your heart what these flaws really are.

2. Affirmation of the day: "Today and everyday, I give what I want to receive."

3. Mantra of the day: Om Vardanam Nama

Finally, I wish you a pleasant and a profound meditation.

Click Here to listen Day 9

Day 10: Abundance and the Law of Karma

Welcome to Day 10.

In today's meditation we will discuss the Law of Karma or conscious decision-making and see how by making the right choices, we can bring goodness into our lives.

When you are making a choice, you should ask yourself: how will this choice bring more happiness and more abundance into my life and lives of those around me? Having asked this question, shift your attention from your mind to your heart and the answer should immediately become clear.

By practicing conscious decision-making in this way, you will learn to observe your thoughts and make decisions that are most favourable to you.

I personally found this day particularly valuable due to the practical application of conscious decision-making which you can use for every important decision you make.

QUESTION N ° 1: How do you normally make decisions?

QUESTION N ° 2: How have your key decisions affected your life?

QUESTION N ° 3: How can you make more conscious choices from now on?

Tasks for Day 10

1. From the list of 5 flaws / shortcomings you wrote down yesterday select 2 that you want and are ready to work with. Schedule an action plan by writing down at least 2 actions, specific daily activities or wider ones extended in time and space.

In addition to this, listen to today's audio file at least 3 times.

Write the affirmation of the day in a notebook and keep it in your head, remembering and pronouncing it as often as possible during the day.

2. Affirmation of the day: “Today, I make great choices because they are made with full awareness.”

3. Mantra of the day: Om Kriyam Nama

Click Here to listen Day 10

Day 11: Abundance and the Law of Least Effort

In today's meditation we will look at the Law of Least Effort and how it can help us free our desires and intentions, directing them to the spiritual realm to create more abundance in our lives.

When your actions are motivated by love, your energy is multiplied and accumulated. Release of this energy allows you to redirect it towards the creation of everything that you want. When your spirit is your inner point of reference all of the immense power of universe is at your disposal. You can then use this energy creatively, moving toward abundance and evolution.

QUESTION 1: According to your beliefs, how hard should you work to enjoy true abundance? (Especially important for workaholics in our group)

QUESTION 2: In what areas of your life would you like to create more abundance?

QUESTION 3: What changes should you make to release your desires into the space of universal consciousness - the source of all abundance?

Today’s tasks:

1. Please describe your mother in the notebook listing all of the following:

* positive aspects

* limitations

* what did you learn or are still learning from her?

* What brought you closer / unites you?

* What separated you / distances you? If your mother is no longer in this world, focus on her image in your memory. Join her and write what rises in your mind and heart.

For some, this will not be an easy task. If this is the case for you - try to distance yourself from your personal experiences. See your mother, first of all, just as a woman living her own, sometimes complicated life.

Our mothers are our fundamental female archetype that we use to construct our personality (one of 2 core ones – 2nd on is father). So, it is crucial to understand what belief systems you inherited and how these are now shaping up your life.

2. Affirmation of the day: "I expect and accept abundance to flow easily to me.”

3. Mantra of the day: Om Daksham Nama

Click Here to listen Day 11

Day 12: Abundance and the Law of Intention and Desire

Attention energizes; intention transforms.

In today's meditation, we will look at this concept with the Law of Intent and Desire.

Whatever you want or need in your life there is a way to get it. You can program the universal consciousness with its unlimited power to work for you by clearly articulating the intention and planting its seeds in the field of all possibilities.

Thus, you will attract the right people as well as favorable situations and circumstances, which will help you in the manifestation and implementation of your desires.

QUESTION 1: What is your biggest intention in life?

QUESTION 2: What did you do to get absolute clarity about it?

QUESTION 3: How will this intention best serve you and others?

Task for Day 12:

1. Ask your mother what was the biggest pain / disappointment in her life. And what dream or great desire of hers remained unfulfilled? Write her answer in your notebook.

If your mother is no longer with you or for any other reason you think that it’s not right / you cannot ask her personally, go into a state of meditation, connect to her, ask from the heart, and listen to the answer. Write it down. Blissful meditation to you!

2. Affirmation of the day: “I place my intention into the vast ocean of all possibilities and allow the universe to work through me.”     

3. Meditation of the day: Om Mritam Nama

Click Here to listen Day 12

Day 13: Abundance and the Law of Detachment

Today we will learn how abandoning the desire to get a certain result will let the Law of Detachment enter our lives. Abundance can take many forms. As long as what you create is driven by intentions / desires which benefit the world, you can get whatever you want.

Deepak’s friend and co-founder of the Chopra Center for Well-Being, Dr. David Simon, said: “Symbols of abundance: a big house, a new car or fancy jewellery will bring waves of excitement into your life. But this should not mean sacrificing the ocean for the sake of several transient waves.

Live overflowing with abundance of love, passion, creativity and significance, and then these symbols will “chase” YOU.”

QUESTION 1: What symbols of abundance do you dream of?

QUESTION 2: How could they improve both your life and the lives of others?

QUESTION 3: How else can you imagine this positive emotion in your life?

Tasks of the day :

1. Analyse your mother’s description on day 11. Consider the situations in your life and notice returning patterns in different forms. Do you see “copy-paste” situations in them or the similarities between you and your mother? What are they and how are they manifested? Write down these reflections in your notebook.

2. Affirmation of the day: "As I let go of the need to arrange my life, the Universe brings abundant good to me"

3. Mantra of the day: Om Anandam Nama

Listen to today's audio file twice in a row:

Click Here to listen Day 13

Day 14: Abundance and the Law of Dharma

Today, we are completing the second week of the 21 day meditation program of the Chopra Center -


Over the past week, we have examined abundance in terms of the principles described in the book: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. Starting with the Law of Pure Potentiality and ending today with the Law of Dharma.

When your life is full of true purpose, your dharma or abundance rushes towards you easily and effortlessly.

As the saying goes: “Do what you love and the money will come.” It is not only about material wealth though, but also about satisfaction, confidence, optimism, joy and abundance in all its manifestations that will come to you if you live your true goal in life.

QUESTION 1: What brings you the most joy?

QUESTION 2: How do you feel this joy in your everyday life and in your current job/occupation/role?

QUESTION 3: How can you move closer to a life full of joy - your Dharma or life’s mission?

Here are the tasks for today:

1. Today’s lesson: Enjoy this day noticing the generous gifts of the world that surround us, asking us to notice and accept them. Seek, find, accept and be grateful for each of them. At the end of the day, write down at least three paths / sources through which abundance has come to you today. Even if it was something very small.

2. Write down 3 cases when you deprived someone of their opportunity to learn their lesson, grow. Think of examples such as being too eager to help a friend, exercising control over your children or partner, etc.

Today's motto: I am happy because I decided so! I belong to myself!

3. Affirmation of the day: "There is a way I can fulfill my true purpose in life."

4. Mantra of the day: Om Varunam Nama

Click Here to listen Day 14

Day 15: Living Synchrodestiny

Here are the tasks for Day 15:

1. Write a letter of gratitude and recognition to the person who, in your opinion, hurt you at some point in your life. Before you sit down and write, cleanse yourself from negative emotions towards that person. If you still feel resentment or anger - you can write down all these feelings for him / her separately on a piece of paper and burn or tear it to shreds. It is important not to feel hostility towards your chosen person when you write a letter of gratitude to him / her. Meditate so that the image of that person comes to you. More than one person may appear, but today we write a letter to only one. Your letter must be hand-written. It’s important.

2. Affirmation of the day: “As I live in present moment awareness, I live the magic of synchrodestiny.”

3. Mantra of the day: Aham Bramasmi

Let your day be filled with joy, happiness and light!

Click Here to listen Day 15

Day 16: Living Gratefully

Tasks for Day 16:

1. Make a list of things you wanted to do but postponed due to other priorities or because of fear of hurting someone or failing. But you still have plans to do them at some point. Write down everything that comes to mind, without limitation.

2. Affirmation of the day: "Today, I remember to be grateful."

3. Mantra of the day: Om Vardanam Nama

Be generous today with compliments, kind words, gratitude and love!

Click Here to listen Day 16

Day 17: Living Carefree

Today, we will look at how we can live carefree - free from judgment and anxiety, focusing on joy and perfection of the world. By meditating and immersing in the awareness of the present moment you understand that it is at this moment that everything is perfect and as it should be, and that any problems you might have are transient and temporary. You reconnect with your true Self, feeling happier and more free.

Throughout your life you will begin to look at everyday circumstances with ease and meet surprises calmly.

Question 1: How do you feel when you wake up every morning?

Question 2: How much would your life improve if you lived with a light heart and carefree?

Question 3: How can you switch your mind to spread the love and joy that you feel in your heart right now?

Today you will do a special task for Day 17.

1. Create a list of all the important things you have. Material and spiritual, manifested and not. For example: I have a smartphone to be in touch with the world I have a credit card to pay bills I have real friends I have internet I have love for my partner I have cherished memories I have an education I have a favourite city ... There are no higher or lower values in what you write down. Recognize everything you have that matters to you.

Motto of the day: I control my feelings and choose to feel whole, healthy, prosperous and blessed.

2. Affirmation of the day: “I move through my days lighthearted and care-free knowing all is well.”

3. Mantra of the day: Sat Chit Ananda

Click Here to listen Day 17

Day 18: Living Unity

In today's meditation we will talk about unity as the underlying truth of all that exists.

As individuals, we are not always alike. We may have different lifestyles, different beliefs and perceptions. However, these differences exist only on the physical realm. Whereas at the molecular and spiritual level we are all one and are connected with the primary universal source.

When we begin to fully understand this concept of life in unity, the idea of ​​a personal “I” gives way to the image of a universal “I”. The concept of rivalry disappears and cooperation comes as a natural replacement.

This connection enables deep feelings love and empathy to everyone and everything that surrounds us.

QUESTION 1: How would you define unity?

QUESTION 2: What do you think of diversity?

QUESTION 3: How did meditation help you realize the idea of ​​living in unity?

Tasks for day 18:

1. Write down answers to the below questions in your notebook:

A) Do I love people?

B) What infuriates me the most in "others"? Did I find the courage to discover in myself precisely these qualities?

C) How did I first perceive the news that we are all one?

D) Does it frighten me or does the awareness of unity with everyone please me?

2. Affirmation of the day: “I celebrate my unity with all life, knowing we are all one.”

3. Mantra of the day: Tat Tvam Asi (I see the other in myself and myself in others)

Click Here to listen Day 18

Day 19: Living Love

Here are the tasks for day 19:

1. Read the parable at least twice and write down your thoughts and feelings in your notebook.

What is this parable about? What do you see in it? How does it resonate?

Parable: “This too shall pass.”

There was a king and he once said to his court sages - I have a ring with one of the finest diamonds in the world and I want to hide a message under the stone which can be useful in times of despair. I will give this ring to my heirs and I want it to serve them faithfully. Come up with a message to be inscribed under the diamond. It must be short to fit on the ring. The sages knew how to write treatises but could not express themselves in one short sentence. They tried hard but couldn’t come up with anything. The king complained about the failure of his venture to a faithful old servant who raised him from infancy and was part of the family. And the old man said to him:

“I’m not a sage, I’m not educated, but I know of such a message. During my many years spent in the palace I met a lot of people. Once, I served a visiting mystic whom your father invited and he passed me this message. Just don’t read it, put it under the stone inside the ring and read it only when there’s no way out at all."

The king listened to the old servant. After some time, the enemies attacked the country and the king lost the war. He fled on his horse and enemies pursued him. He was alone, they were many. He drove to the end of the road. There was a big cliff before him, if he fell there - that would be the end. He could not go back, as the enemies were approaching. He already heard the clatter of their horses' hooves. He had no way out. He was in complete despair. Then he remembered the ring. He opened it and under the stone found an inscription of three words: “This too shall pass.”

After reading the message he felt that everything went quiet. Apparently, the pursuers got lost and proceeded in the wrong direction. Horses were no longer heard. The king was filled with gratitude to the servant and the unknown mystic. Words were powerful. He closed the ring and hit the road. Again, he gathered his army and conquered back his state. On the day when he returned to the palace, they arranged a lavish welcoming for him - a feast for the whole country. People loved their king. The king was happy and proud. The old servant came up to him and softly said: “Even this moment will pass. Look at the message again.”

"Now I am the winner. People are celebrating my return, I'm not in despair."

“Listen to the old servant,” he answered, “it works not only in bad times but also in good.”

The king opened the ring and read: “This too shall pass." Again, he felt silence falling over him. Although he was in the midst of a noisy dancing crowd. Feelings of pride and entitlement disappeared. He understood the message. He was a wise man.

And then the old servant said: “Do you remember everything that happened to you? Nothing is permanent. No feeling stays. As night changes day, moments of joy and despair replace one another. Accept them as the nature of things, as part of life.”

2. Affirmation of the day: "Today, I remember to love everything and everyone I come in contact with."

3. Mantra of the day: Sat Chit Ananda

Click Here to listen Day 19

Day 20: Living Luxury

Today, we look at the concept of luxury, adding to your life something that is much more significant than just necessities. This goes far beyond just material luxury and should encompass everything that nurtures you.

When you feel that you are worthy of receiving all the blessings that the universe can offer you, your needs are satisfied easily and beyond expectation. As soon as you learn to accept the grace that has been sent to you, you will give the sign to the universe that you deserve only the best and are ready to receive it.

QUESTION 1: How is luxury manifested in your life (particularly, non-material luxury)

QUESTION 2: What luxurious gifts do you give yourself?

QUESTION 3: How can you bring luxury to others?

Tasks for today:

1. Scroll your notebook and read through the tasks you performed over the past 19 days. See if there is something you missed or would like to expand on now, in light of new awareness and / or new ideas. After that, think and choose one person in your circle who seems unhappy to you and whom complains about his / her life. It could be someone from the list you’ve put together on Day 7 or someone else.

Share with this person the parable from yesterday (Day 19). Write down in your notebook how this happened: How did you feel when you shared it with him / her, what thoughts, associations, sensations arose in the process? Did he / she answer? Did you talk about it? If so, what did you discuss? Have you been thanked?

2. Affirmation of the day: “Today, I treat myself to moments of luxury.”

3. Mantra of the day: Om Ritam Nama

Wish you profound meditation and a day full of luxury!

Click Here to listen Day 20

Manifestation manual —> Everything is simple.

1. Decide exactly what you want to receive.

2. Close your eyes every day and visualise that you already have it.

3. Let go of your desire into the universe with a firm belief that it will materialize.

4. Say “Yes” to new ideas, people and proposals that will inevitably begin to appear in your life. It is through them that your desire is realised.

5. Do not forget to thank the Universe for completed orders.

Day 21: Living Abundantly

Congratulations on reaching the end of the marathon!

I sincerely hope that everyone has found something valuable for themselves in it. And if you have not found it yet, watch and ... maybe it will reveal itself.

After 21 days of daily meditating, we should now have a great new habit incorporated into our daily lives - will you continue with this practice to continue seeing all the amazing changes around you?

Are you familiar with the seven “switches” of happiness?

🌟 give to others

🌟 transmit

🌟 let go

🌟 indulge

🌟 be grateful

🌟 give to yourself

🌟 forgive

When these 7 will become a part of your life, happiness will flow naturally into it. Simply and with ease.

Everything is energy and its flow must be circular and continuous in order to return abundance to you. This is how the law of reciprocity works.

Keep your channels open and clean so that your energy can flow unhindered and stay focused so that future challenges help you grow and develop. Your future is in your hands.

How you use your time, with whom you spend it and how you feel at every moment determines the quality of your life. Keys: 🔑 awareness 🔑 gratitude 🔑 recognition of value

Final tasks for today:

1. Send your video or audio report to our email describing your experience throughout your 21-day journey to Abundance (try to keep to 1 min).

You can also send a message if you find it difficult to record video or audio. Would be nice to hear your words!

Please say / write: - your name, - city you are from, tell us what you do in life, and if you have something to offer, then tell us about your ideas for projects. Perhaps, you will find like-minded people who will support your ideas, hobbies or projects?!? Or simply create positive vibes with us!

2. Affirmation of the day: “Every moment of every day I live my life abundantly.”

3. Mantra of the day: So Ham

Click Here to listen Day 21

Feel free to comment, share and ask whatever come up!

May all of you live in abundance and love.

Written by Sara Montes

All audios were previously recorded on Chopra Youtube Channel, courtesy of The Chopra Center.

Gaya Yoga